Mattress Jack Fitness XXL | Jack Beds

Viscoelastic mattresses

Mattress Jack Fitness XXL

Reviews (2)

Perfect for all those athletes with more physical wear and tear, rest in luxury and sustainability with the Fitness XXL biovisco mattress.

10 Years warranty

Viscoelastic mattress


Tourmaline Black

Rolled package

100 trial nights*

Size :

Condiciones de entrega

Shipping between 7 - 10 days

Pay in 4*


Single payment

Quantity :
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*Add the product to the cart and in the next step, the payment method, select the option to finance your order in 4 installments.

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Helps active muscle recovery

Compatible with articulated beds

Improve mobility thanks to its active Plumex 55Kg spoof

Height 28 cm

Stretch fabric with cotton and viscose

Provides a fresh and pleasant touch


Of plant origin, it provides exceptional levels of comfort and hygiene.

Plumex® 55 kg

Profiled with different rest areas, highly transpirable.

Coolfoam® 30 kg

HR core offering greater durability, transpirability and humidity resistance.

Anti-Slip 3D Weave

Get a maximum grip on the base.

What could be more important than a good night of sleep? In this mattress of Biovisco, you'll find the rest you deserve. Manufactured with materials of plant origin and advanced technology, this natural viscoelastic mattress is the perfect choice for those who seek a dream of luxury and sustainability.

Fitness XXL biovisco mattress is the ideal combination of plant-derived materials and advanced technology to provide exceptional rest.

• Ecological and environmentally friendly. Created from natural materials of plant origin.

• Exceptional levels of comfort, hygiene and durability. Thanks to its high-density HR core of 30 kg/m3.

• Free movement of air for better transpiration. Plumex is made up of open cells that allow for the free circulation of air.

• More cleaning, resistance to humidity and high temperatures. It is also unfounded in order to be able to clean it up more easily.

• The height of the mattress is 28 cm.

• Biovisco profiled. New high-density product, created from natural materials of plant origin, provides different rest areas, with antimicrobial protection.

• Plumex (HR 55 kg/m3). It has exceptional comfort features, a soft initial touch and high firmness, better transpiration with its free circulation of air and flame retardants.

• Flexible HR 30 polymer. It offers greater transpirability, resistance to humidity and high temperatures.

• Ultra-Fresh silk weaving. It allows clean, fresh and protected tissues to be preserved from bacteria and fungi, also avoiding bad smells.


Increíble la sensación solo puedo recomendar que vayan y lo compren. Superó todas mis expectativas

    Helena a2023-05-17
    Me encanta

    Gracias al Black Sport tengo mi mejor descanso!

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      Mattress Jack Fitness XXL

      Frequently Asked Questions

      We could tell you so many good things about us that we prefer to tell you, that you will not find a dissatisfied customer. So when so many people think the same thing, you can't be wrong to value us as the best mattresses store in Barcelona.

      In Jack Beds we have the premise of offering only quality products, both in the heart of the mattress and in the fabrics so that our mattresses last longer, are more comfortable and fresher than the rest.

      Of course, the mattresses are sent free of charge and for the bases we also include transport and assembly *free(as long as the amount of the order exceeds €200 in Barcelona Province and €500 in the rest of Catalonia).

      Where better we can help you in the same store, where our advisors will recommend and guide you throughout the process, but as we know that time is Gold, you can contact us through our form, chat or by calling the free telephone and we can make a first contact.

      Our way of working is On demand, that is, we do not have stock, but in *72h working we can have your mattress ready and send it within *24h more. However, this may vary depending on the amount of items in your order. However, the estimated maximum time is 7 to 10 working days.

      Very simple, once you have the mattress at home we start counting, if you do not rest well in your new mattress, you can change it to another model.

      Of course, we have all kinds of companions for your mattress; folding pipes, upholstered bases, smiling, articulated and headboards, as well as accessories such as pillows, protectors, Norse, toppers and sheets.

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